Lady Macbeth Ava Reid

Lady Macbeth by Ava Reid is a dark and gothic retelling and reimagening of Shakespeare’s classic play.

The story starts with father sending Roscille, a 17-year-old girl to Scotland.

She was sent to marry Lord Macbeth, who is much older, around 39.

At Glamis, Roscille is scared of consummating her marriage with the brutish Macbeth.

She asks for a wedding gift before they lie together.

Roscille uses her intelligence and unique perspective to survive in a dangerous new life.

She with her cleverness has avoided the marriage bed and navigating treacherous waters.

The book blends Scottish folklore, mythology, and dark fantasy.

The book's dark, gothic atmosphere of power dynamics make it worth a read.

This novel is is far from Shakespeare’s original play. It offers a new look at power.